Libra's starstone is Sapphire which is brings us to our color healing focus this month. Deep Sapphire blues and any dark, vibrant blues are what you are wanting to surround yourself in this October and see in your mind. Focus on this healing portal until it is engraved in your mind and remember it whenever you need focus. I embedded and enchanted this Chakra with the smooth essence of the Libra; harmony, gentleness, and graciousness. As you focus on this, your chakras realign and spin together in sync. This portal healing image is also linked directly to the Third Chakra.
The Throat Chakra is associated with this deep Sapphire blue, and Libra as the sign's element is air. Air is some of the physical properties associated with using this Chakra in physical life, air flows through it as we talk and laugh and express our emotions. We use this Chakra when expressing true values about ourself and the world, this Chakra flows best when are honest with ourselves and to others. Untruthfulness and negativity clogs this Chakra from happily spinning. The symbol for Libra is balance, and this month we are bringing much balance to this Chakra so the harmony energies of Libra may flow through it easily this month.
Throat Chakra Meditation for October's energies:
Our Focus for this meditation of is to release blockages in the Throat Chakra, so the mellow and soothing energies of Libra have a chance to take over. Get in your comfy spot for this meditation and grab any crystal or crystals you have or prefer to use, any will do. You may sit anyway you want, just as long as you have your spine postured straight for Chakra Cleansing work and your palms up in some way(I never thought putting my palms up was important until I was asking for guidance from my angels one day during meditation and they told me to put my palms up to hear them more clearer) as putting your palms up is a universal sign to receiving energy.
Start by picturing your Root Chakra as your favorite flower and picture it closed to slowly blossoming open. Go from your Root Chakra up and do this; Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown. Now that we have all of our Chakra up and aware, it is time to give our focus to the Throat. Become aware to your Throat Chakra, study how your blue flower chakra spins. Do you need any dark spots in this flower? Any torn or lethargic looking petals? Your Throat Chakra may be clogged. Look at these dark spots or wounds in the flower and take inner heed to where your body is telling you that they came from; be sure to listen, this is not a time for the ego's mouth. Take these messages from yourself to heart and then healing may begin. Breathe in, and Breathe out all violence spoken from your throat chakra, all grudges you have swallowed down your throat that are holding you and your chakra back, and all negativity that is sticking to your throat energy. Sorry if this may sound unpleasant, but you are urged to cough three times deeply and hack up this negativity from your throat and purge it completely. Notice how free and clear this Chakra feels. Now it is time to balance this clear feeling with fresh, lively healing energy in your Throat Chakra. Study your Throat Chakra again, you will notice this dark spots or wounds on your flower Chakra have dissipated or disappeared. Imagine you are watering the center of your throat flower with these emotions and energies~ see yourself watering shimmering harmony and gentleness into the flower and it grows from these lush energies. Water it with pure deep blue peacefulness and shining light and feel it pulse this chakra pulse with balance. Spend as much time as you'd like watering your chakra with light and good intentions, until you feel ready to stop. Imagine a pink bubble around this Chakra as you are finishing, as this protects the newly healed Chakra from any new harsh energies infecting it.
Do this meditation over again, or every day this month, or once a week, whenever you please! This meditation is designed to help heal your Throat Chakra any time this month, or any time in general.
The Archangel associated with Libra astrological sign is, the lovely Archangel Jophiel. Like the Libra, she is the lover of beauty and orderlineness. Jophiel helps brings beauty to our lives and our inner as well outer selves if we just ask her. Her essence is perfect to help you with healing this month, She is on stand by waiting to fill your heart with enjoyment and gratitude. Her presence is ever so gentle and feminine and very pink! You may see pink aura orbs around you as you call upon her or feel her pink gentleness, or sometimes she will even attract to things of pink! A quick prayer you may say to her is "Dear Archangel Jophiel, please stay with me at all times of healing in this month of October and help me to stay centered in grace and acceptance and see the underlying beauty to everything in my life."
Much love and kisses from my heart, straight to yours.
& Happy October Healing:)